Energy Healing
Your energy field and centers affects your physical body with its organs, hormones and nervous system. Any blockage in your energy centers will affect your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Energy Healing Sessions
In your healing session with me, I channel Universal healing energy through my human energy field, aura and chakras. Huge healing energy will pass from Universal energy field to you through my energy field. You will feel the pure Universal healing energy that I channel for you through my hands even from distance. You will feel openings in your system and releasing blockage. The energy heals your system physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Light Guides will work on your system as well. Light Guides share giving healing for you with their healing energy and knowledge. You will feel their attendance and healing work on you.
Light Guides
Light Guides are souls of Angels Healers. They communicate with other souls. They have knowledge and wisdom. They are healers, artists, scientists, geologists and experts in all aspects of life.They give answers.
Light Guides Healing
Light Guides have access to the different layers of human system. They work on human aura, energy field and chakras which are the key to human physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. They work with/through me.
Yoga and Healing News In Egypt
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Your energy field and centers affects your physical body with its organs, hormones and nervous system. Any blockage in your energy centers will affect your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Energy Healing Sessions
In your healing session with me, I channel Universal healing energy through my human energy field, aura and chakras. Huge healing energy will pass from Universal energy field to you through my energy field. You will feel the pure Universal healing energy that I channel for you through my hands even from distance. You will feel openings in your system and releasing blockage. The energy heals your system physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Light Guides will work on your system as well. Light Guides share giving healing for you with their healing energy and knowledge. You will feel their attendance and healing work on you.
Energy centers balance heals human system
Light Guides
Light Guides are souls of Angels Healers. They communicate with other souls. They have knowledge and wisdom. They are healers, artists, scientists, geologists and experts in all aspects of life.They give answers.
Light Guide
Light Guides Healing
Light Guides have access to the different layers of human system. They work on human aura, energy field and chakras which are the key to human physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. They work with/through me.
Different Energy Healing Methods
Healing through human energy field
Healing with chakras
Quantum energy for healing bones
Healing with crystals and elixirs
Healing with sounds and colors
Healing Sessions Booking
Yoga and Healing News In Egypt
Face Book Page
Love, Light, Peace and Blessing
My Light Guides and me